A close and Godly encounter with … horses

Out walking along a favourite country road on a recent beautiful cold sunny day, I listened to a downloaded talk, prayed, and sang.

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Invigorated by all three, by the time I neared the field where my neighbour keeps his three horses, I found myself belting out Amazing Grace.

We so need Your amazing Grace in this time of pandemonium, dear Lord,’ felt like the gist of my ‘intentions’.

The horses stay under a shelter quite far from the road, and even though I generally say hello to them, they never even acknowledge my presence. I switched to singing in tongues, still to the tune of Amazing Grace. They all perked up and looked at me, and started walking in my direction.

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I really have no idea how to deal with, how to pet, or ANYTHING about horses, so I just headed to where their fence was closer to the road.

They kept approaching, two of them came right up to me, and one even rested his (her?) head on my shoulder as I sang! It was quite moving, for me at least. It seemed in a weird way the horses were moved too.

I even managed to video most of the adventure … at least until the horse plopped its head on the shoulder of the arm holding the cellphone!

Out walking along a favourite country road on a recent beautiful cold sunny day, I listened to a downloaded talk, prayed, and sang. Invigorated by all three,...