A goal for all churches

"This was the work of Jesus himself: to heal the sick, feed the hungry, give sight to the blind, care for the poor; give righteousness to the scandalous and scandalize the self-righteous; give hope to the hopeless and love to the loveless. And he's not done yet."

These final lines in an article by John Ortberg published earlier this year by the Christianity Today organization sum up what needs to be the prime work of those who now represent Jesus on earth, the Church.

Ortberg, a pastor, writer and editor, begins by ruminating on Paul's words in Colossians 1: “We proclaim Christ, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this reason I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me."

“If your church is looking for a big hairy audacious goal,” he continues, “this will do for starters."

The piece wanders through concepts of maturity, even touches on the movie Avatar, before coming to the conclusion "the church must be in the compassion business." You can read the original article here.